Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Thing 17 Podcasts

Thanks to iTunes, people are familiar with podcasts. But also thanks to iTunes they may not know what a "podcast" actually is. I click on podcasts to listen to my favorite radio shows on NPR when it's convenient for me or watch a Charlie Rose interview. I think NPR was groundbreaking and is cutting edge about podcasts. They have this great tool that lets you mix your own podcasts from the list of all their programs.

Podcast Alley is a much better directory than, in substance, ease of use and display. I searched "library" in both of them and Podcast Alley gave me much more relevant results faster and in a easy to read format. The library podcast, Didgiknow, appealed to me. Michigan State Library produces them. I would love to see how they compare with Orange County's great library of patron education podcasts but alas, downloading a podcast aggregator on our present library network would take a few hours. I was just interrupted with our new website crashing so I'm kind of sensitive to overloading the system.

I haven't done a podcast but we just had Paul Alford from the Citrus County Library System come and teach us about Audacity so I hope to soon.

1 comment:

  1. wow ... shuttle launch thrilled me all over again! talk about being in the right spot at the exact right time ... one more thing to "check off" the bucket list, eh???

    : )
