Sunday, April 12, 2009

Thing 20 Books 2.0

Read Fiction Reading Increases for Adults in the NYTimes--surveys they can tell you anything--proven by the fact that the same survey had reading on the decline the year before. In Online RU Really Reading? I like the quote: "What we are losing in this country and presumably around the world is the sustained, focused, linear attention developed by reading,” I have three children in their 20s and as for reading as a past-time--one is a voracious reader (both on the internet and books, one reads sporadically and the other never reads. Yet I don't see much difference in their achievements or success so I am quite conflicted on this. "Experts on reading difficulties suggest that for struggling readers, the Web may be a better way to glean information." Having been a school media specialist I do believe that for a lot of kids with learning disabilities and just plain kids that are visual learners, the internet can be a more inviting place to learn. How Libraries Can Survive...: I like the new literacies--although I don't think they're new. Graphic literacy--visual learners have the upperhand but I think the majority of people use graphics for understanding. Navigation Literacy: having just launched a new website I can tell you this literacy is not achieved by many. Focus Literacy ?? okay this is a really oblique reference to actually thinking. Skepticism Literacy--great!

Daily Lit--if one has the time to join in group discussions this seems somewhat valuable. The rest if more a learnawordaday concept.

Reading Trails--facebook on book steroids--who has time to do this? Book Lamp--I registered just because it referred to itself as the Pandora for books and I love Pandora. But it was way too heavy into scifi. What Should I Read Next, What Next, and Which Book... I've used on the reference desk but not as good as What Do I Read Next or Novelist. Overbooked--ok. Readerville--too esteric Booktalk--looks like it actually discusses nonfiction books which is rare.

I've been in many book clubs over the years so I've used Reading Group Choices and Reading Group Guides but I was not aware of LitLovers and I'm in love...for one thing it led me to a 23things for an Auckland, Australia library that looks great except they only did 12 things and I've bookmarked it on my delicious tags because someday soon I want to go back and really look at the different things they did. I've used BookBrowse many times--great resource for book lovers and book clubs. Looking at MetaCritic, I may use that one now too.

Book Rentals? uh, about a library? Book Swaps: I have friends who do this--usually ones big into particular genres.

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